As always we are so thrilled to meet and catch up with our funded scientists, past and present, at this important research conference.
Ménière’s Disease Symposium at ARO in February
The symposium aims to spur collaborative thinking and projects among Ménière’s disease researchers and clinicians to stimulate advances in better understanding and treating Ménière's disease
Seeing Friends at ARO in Anaheim
Palpable excitement was raised by reports from researchers who have recently published results of landmark gene therapy trials in young children targeting the otoferlin gene.
ARO MidWinter Meeting in Person Again
The annual ARO MidWinter Meeting is the preeminent conference for scientists and clinicians conducting research in the hearing and balance fields. The 46th meeting just concluded after five days in Orlando, Florida—the first in-person conference since late January 2020.
HHF Connects with Researchers at the World’s Largest Conference on Hearing & Balance Science
Nearly 1,800 hearing and balance researchers and related experts gathered Jan. 25–29, 2020, in San Jose, CA for the 43rd annual Midwinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), the largest academic association in the field. This included a number of Hearing Health Foundation (HHF)-affiliated researchers, members of the HHF Board of Directors and scientific advisory bodies, and HHF staff.
Shared Knowledge Is Power
ARO provides auditory and vestibular researchers opportunities present their latest findings and engage in meaningful conversations with one another. If one scientist presents an idea to an audience of 100 scientists, she’s just created the possibility for 100 new ideas will form.