How to Help | Tribute Gitd — Hearing Health Foundation

We are happy to create a specific memorial or tribute page for your loved one to share with family and friends.

Tribute or Memorial Gifts

You can support hearing loss research while making a meaningful gift in memory of someone special or in celebration of a loved one’s special occasion, such as a birthday, bar mitzvah, wedding, or anniversary.

Simply type in the person or family’s name after checking off the box next to “I would like to dedicate this gift” on our donation form.

We can also create a custom online donation page with a personalized link that contains a photo and information about the person being honored, as well as a unique QR code. We can also design and supply a printable PDF and envelopes for distribution, and upon request we can send a card acknowledging your gift, too. Please email give@hhf.org for more information.

Tribute or memorial gifts can be made online or by check to:

Hearing Health Foundation
PO Box 1397
New York, NY 10018