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What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is hearing a sound without an external source.

While it is commonly referred to as “ringing in the ears,” tinnitus can also be experienced as hearing a buzzing, hissing, whistling, swooshing, or clicking. Stemming from the Latin tinnire, “to ring,” tinnitus can be pronounced TINN-itis or tin-EYE-tis.

It’s important to understand that tinnitus is a symptom, not a condition itself. “It is a symptom that something is wrong in the auditory system, which includes the ear, the auditory nerve that connects the inner ear to the brain, and the parts of the brain that process sound,” according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD).

Brief, spontaneous tinnitus, lasting seconds to minutes, is experienced by nearly everyone. Temporary tinnitus that lasts minutes to hours routinely happens after excessive noise exposure. While it usually resolves on its own, the tinnitus is a sign that the ear has been damaged by the loud sound. Chronic tinnitus occurs for three months or longer.

How Common Is Tinnitus?

Credit: Mayo Clinic

Excess noise can damage sensory hair cells in the inner ear, leading to reduced sound input to the brain. One theory about why tinnitus occurs is that the brain then tries to make up for the lost input by filling in sounds. Credit: Mayo Clinic

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that up to 50 million Americans experience some form of tinnitus. Roughly 20 million people struggle with chronic tinnitus that can be bothersome to everyday life, while 2 million have extreme and debilitating cases. New research in Nature Communications Medicine from October 2021 shows the virus that causes COVID-19 can infect the inner ear, which may help explain reports of tinnitus and hearing loss among COVID-19 patients. Researchers are investigating any link between COVID vaccines and tinnitus, with a 2022 review in the Annals of Medicine & Surgery concluding, “Despite the incidence of adverse events, the benefits of the SARS-CoV-2 [COVID] vaccine in reducing hospitalization and deaths continue to outweigh the rare ramifications.”

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What Causes Tinnitus?

The causes of tinnitus are not known. That said, most patients develop tinnitus as a symptom of hearing loss caused by excess noise exposure or acute trauma to the auditory system. Tinnitus is sometimes the first sign of hearing loss.

The Mayo Clinic says, “One idea is that tinnitus results from damage to the cells of the inner ear. This stems from the fact that about 90 percent of people with tinnitus have some hearing loss caused by noise.”

“The leading tinnitus theory is that your brain is expecting to get a certain amount of stimulation from your ears and if it doesn’t, it creates a phantom sound, which you perceive as tinnitus, to keep itself busy. This is why tinnitus often occurs along with hearing loss or after significant noise exposure, such as a concert,” says Hearing Health magazine editorial committee member Kathleen Wallace, Au.D.

Medical causes of tinnitus range from earwax that blocks the ear canal to more complex conditions such as otitis media (a middle ear infection); otosclerosis (an abnormal bone growth in the middle ear); sudden sensorineural hearing loss (sudden deafness); Ménière’s disease; noise-induced hearing loss; and presbycusis (age-related hearing loss).

In rare cases tinnitus is caused by acoustic neuroma (a benign, slow-growing tumor on the auditory nerve) or certain brain diseases that involve the auditory system. Vascular system disorders in the head and neck area can cause tinnitus that pulses in time with the heartbeat.

Head and neck injuries including whiplash are associated with tinnitus, as are severe jaw joint disorders. Tinnitus can also occur with systemic diseases such as severe anemia, hypertension, hypothyroidism, and syphilis. Tinnitus can be a side effect from over 200 medications, says the NIDCD.

Learn more about preventing hearing damage including tinnitus as part of our Keep Listening prevention campaign. Hearing damage from excess noise is the only fully preventable cause of hearing loss.


Diagnosing Tinnitus

If you think you have a hearing loss, tinnitus, or balance issues, please make an appointment with a hearing health professional such as an audiologist or an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT). Because tinnitus is a symptom, not a condition itself, it is important to rule out any serious medical conditions that may be causing the tinnitus.

“There are two instances that are particularly concerning and should be checked out by a medical professional,” Dr. Wallace says. “They are: If the tinnitus sounds like your heartbeat or is in only one ear. This might indicate asymmetrical hearing, which could then mean something rare like an acoustic neuroma (a benign tumor).”

During the evaluation, you may experience one or more of these tests to help determine the cause of the tinnitus.

  • Hearing (audiological) exam. As part of the test, you’ll sit in a soundproof room wearing earphones and be asked to indicate when you can hear a sound (pure tones or speech) through the earphones. Additional audiological tests can help assess the health and function of your middle ear, inner ear, and auditory pathway.

  • Movement. Your doctor may ask you to move your eyes, clench your jaw, or move your neck, arms, and legs. If your tinnitus changes or worsens, it may help identify an underlying disorder or other medical causes that need treatment.

  • Imaging tests. Depending on the suspected cause of your tinnitus, you may need imaging tests such as CT or MRI scans.

The sounds you hear can help your doctor identify a possible underlying cause.

  • Clicking. Muscle contractions in and around your ear can cause sharp clicking sounds that you hear in bursts. They may last from several seconds to a few minutes.

  • Rushing or humming. Usually vascular in origin, you may notice sound fluctuations when you exercise or change positions, such as when you lie down or stand up.

  • Heartbeat. Blood vessel problems, such as high blood pressure, an aneurysm or a tumor, and blockage of the ear canal or eustachian tube can amplify the sound of your heartbeat in your ears (pulsatile tinnitus).

  • Low-pitched ringing. Conditions that can cause low-pitched ringing in one ear include Ménière’s disease. Tinnitus may become very loud before an attack of vertigo—when you feel that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving.

  • High-pitched ringing. Exposure to a very loud noise or a blow to the ear can cause a high-pitched ringing or buzzing that usually goes away after a few hours. However, if there’s hearing loss as well, tinnitus may be permanent. Long-term noise exposure, age-related hearing loss or medications can cause a continuous, high-pitched ringing in both ears. Acoustic neuroma can cause continuous, high-pitched ringing in one ear.

  • Other sounds. Otosclerosis, or the overgrowth of the inner ear bones, can cause low-pitched tinnitus that may be continuous or intermittent. Earwax, foreign bodies, or hairs in the ear canal can rub against the eardrum, causing a variety of sounds.


Tinnitus Treatments

The following is general information only. HHF does not offer medical advice. Please consult your hearing care professional with any specific questions about your auditory health and healthcare.

If your tinnitus is due to a health condition that can be treated, your doctor can help you take steps to reduce it. Examples include:

  • Earwax removal. Removing impacted earwax can decrease tinnitus symptoms.

  • Treating a blood vessel condition. Underlying vascular conditions may require medication, surgery or another treatment to address the problem.

  • Changing your medication. If a medication you’re taking appears to be the cause of tinnitus, your doctor may recommend stopping or reducing the drug, or switching to a different medication.

Counseling & Sound Therapy

For many people, counseling combined with sound therapy is able to provide tinnitus relief.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): This method of counseling has been used for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other conditions. It focuses on restructuring the negative reactions toward and regaining control over the condition. In addition to relaxation techniques, CBT teaches patients that while the tinnitus can’t be changed, attitudes toward it can be changed in order to better manage it.

  • Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT): Developed by Pawel Jastreboff, Ph.D., of Emory University, and in use for more than 25 years, TRT is regarded as the gold standard for tinnitus treatment. It aims to achieve habituation to your tinnitus. This means you are no longer aware of your tinnitus except when you focus on it, and even when you do notice the tinnitus, it does not bother you. It is combined with low-level, broadband sound generators.

  • Tinnitus Activities Treatment (TAT): This therapy developed by Emerging Research Grants scientist Richard Tyler, Ph.D., of the University of Iowa, involves counseling of the whole person, using a picture-based approach that facilitates engagement with the patient, and an incremental activities approach to reinforce understanding and track progress. Often combined with low-level sound therapy, TAT focuses on these four areas:

    • Sleep: The patient learns about the sleep cycle and how certain habits can affect sleep. Effective strategies to use before and during sleep are taught, and the use of background sounds and relaxation exercises are discussed.

    • Hearing: The patient is taught strategies to improve hearing and communication and, when appropriate, the use of hearing aids is considered.

    • Emotions: The patient is asked to describe fears and concerns about how tinnitus is affecting his or her life and health. Patients are taught that they can change their reactions to their tinnitus.

    • Concentration: Patients are asked to identify situations when tinnitus interferes with concentration. They practice doing activities that require different levels of attention and, in some situations, use background sounds to help.

  • Progressive Tinnitus Management (PTM): Developed by the U.S. Veterans Administration, this therapy uses elements of TAT as part of its incremental approach that includes comprehensive patient education, behavioral therapy, and when needed, supplemental sound therapy.

Sound therapy works by making the perception of the tinnitus less noticeable through ear-level maskers or tabletop devices. However, some report that noise exposure from the sound therapy made their symptoms worse. Patients should ask their hearing care professionals about this before undertaking any form of sound therapy.

Sounds include:

  • White noise: Broadband sounds can be effective maskers because they sound like radio static. Some devices play environmental sounds such as rain or ocean waves. A fan, air conditioner, or dehumidifier can also provide masking sounds. Other “colors” of noise are available, such as brown, pink, and violet, that are often also used as sleep aids.

  • Music: Studies have found music to be effective for encouraging relaxation and reducing anxiety. Music can also help distract you from your tinnitus. Most clinicians use mild, moderate-tempo, instrumental music rather than fast-tempo music or music with vocalists, which can feel more stimulating than calming.

  • Modulated tones: Amplitude and frequency can be varied, resulting in softly pulsing tones. Some patients find this a more effective, acceptable, and relaxing sound.

  • Notched sounds: “Notched” sounds refer to sound with a portion of the spectrum removed, or filtered out. Some approaches remove some frequencies from the frequency of the patient’s particular tinnitus pitch. Other strategies remove frequencies around the patient’s pitch match frequency.

  • Hearing aids: These can help address any underlying hearing loss well as tinnitus, and some hearing aids have a tinnitus masking program.

Neuromodulation (Brain Stimulation Therapies)

Neuromodulation therapies are often used when other conventional treatments have not provided sufficient relief or have resulted in significant side effects. These therapies are typically performed under the guidance of medical professionals, and the specific technique chosen depends on the individual's condition and response to treatment.

Neuromodulation therapies work by altering the electrical or chemical signaling within the neural circuits to restore typical functioning or alleviate symptoms associated with neurological disorders. These therapies can be used to manage chronic pain, movement disorders, epilepsy, psychiatric conditions, and other neurological conditions, including tinnitus.

  • Neuromodulation using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a painless, noninvasive therapy that has been successful in reducing tinnitus symptoms for some people. Currently, TMS is utilized more commonly in Europe and in some trials in the U.S. It is still to be determined which patients might benefit from such treatments.


Some medications have shown to provide relief to tinnitus sufferers and may help reduce the severity of symptoms or complications, including:

  • Tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline and nortriptyline, have been used with some success. However, these medications are generally used for only severe tinnitus, as they can cause troublesome side effects, including dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation and heart problems.

  • Alprazolam (Niravam, Xanax) may help reduce tinnitus symptoms, but side effects can include drowsiness and nausea. It can also become habit-forming.

Alternative Medicine

There’s little scientific evidence that alternative medicine treatments work for tinnitus. However, some alternative therapies that have been tried for tinnitus include:

  • Acupuncture

  • Hypnosis

  • Ginkgo biloba

  • Zinc supplements

  • B vitamins

HHF advises everyone to consult a physician or healthcare provider before taking any new medications to learn about potential side effects of these medications as well as any potential complications with any other medications being taken. It is also important to do your own research and review disclosures on the bottles of any prescription or over-the-counter medications to ensure they are right for you. If any adverse reactions occur, please contact your physician or emergency personnel immediately. 

Peer-to-Peer Support

Many individuals benefit from peer-to-peer support for tinnitus. While HHF does not offer this resource, we strongly recommend the U.K.-based Tinnitus Talk online forum, a peer-to-peer support group for tinnitus that is part of Tinnitus Hub, which also has other tinnitus resources, including opportunities to share experiences as part of citizen science initiatives.

HHF offers general information only and does not offer medical advice. Please consult your hearing care professional with any specific questions about your auditory health and healthcare.

Reviewed in May 2023 by Rohima Badri, Ph.D.


Tinnitus’s Effect on Daily Life

Tinnitus can disrupt sleep and concentration, leading to annoyance, irritation, and depression.

People with chronic tinnitus may be bothered by it but do not complain because of habituation, better coping strategies, or having been told by doctors to learn to live with it. And some report that they are not bothered only if they do not focus on it or when they are in noisy places. For most, reactions to chronic tinnitus range from annoyance and distraction to anxiety and depression, and in extreme cases, suicidal tendencies. 

Concerns that the tinnitus is a sign of something serious and/or the tinnitus sound itself can make it difficult to ignore their tinnitus, causing problems with sleep, concentration, and emotion.

Many tinnitus patients also experience hyperacusis, or difficulty tolerating external sounds of even moderate intensity. Some may also experience misophonia, or negative reactions to certain sounds.

Why tinnitus may be bothersome to some more than others depends on many other factors like age and gender; coexisting hearing loss, vertigo, and hyperacusis; personality traits; and psychological factors like depression and anxiety.

Hearing Health magazine has featured many stories from people with tinnitus who share what has and has not worked for them. These include:


Tinnitus News and Research

Thanks to the generosity of the Les Paul Foundation and our community of supporters, Hearing Health Foundation funds groundbreaking research to advance the scientific understanding of tinnitus. Grants focused on tinnitus are awarded to promising scientific investigators through our Emerging Research Grants program.

Last reviewed in May 2023 by Rohima Badri, Ph.D.