Tenzin Ngodup — Blog — Hearing Health Foundation

Tenzin Ngodup

Study Maps Brain’s Ability to Comprehend Sound

New research reveals the unique patterns of gene expression in specific neurons in the brain that process the signals of sound and enable communication.

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COVID-19 and Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, and Vertigo

Over the past year of the COVID-19 pandemic, case reports and studies have suggested a link between the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 and hearing loss and related conditions.

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Discovery of a New Type of Neuron Holds Clues About Tinnitus

The goal of this study was to take a closer look at the VCN, which may reveal new types of inhibitory neurons with functions that could be of clinical significance. By carefully examining the diversity of inhibitory neurons in the VCN using transgenic mice, super-resolution microscopy, and the latest tools to study the structure and properties of individual neurons, we discovered a novel class of inhibitory cell.

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Shared Knowledge Is Power

ARO provides auditory and vestibular researchers opportunities present their latest findings and engage in meaningful conversations with one another. If one scientist presents an idea to an audience of 100 scientists, she’s just created the possibility for 100 new ideas will form.

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