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Detailed Schedule
Presenter Bios
Schedule as of November 11, 2024 (subject to change).
Part 1: Clinical Topics
Starts 2pm ET
Patient Perspective
Heather Davies
VeDA (Vestibular Disorders Association) ambassador, author, podcast host
History of Ménière’s Disease
Robin Bigelow, M.D.
The House Institute Foundation
Treatment: State of the Art Clinical Care; Clinical Unmet Needs
Habib Rizk, M.D.
Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)
Migraine and Ménière’s Disease
Jeffrey Sharon, M.D.
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
Amy Juliano, M.D.
Mass Eye and Ear
Panel Discussion: Management of Ménière’s/Patient Stories
Habib Rizk, M.D. (MUSC), Jeffrey Sharon, M.D. (UCSF), William Slatterly, M.D. (House Institute Foundation)
Break 4pm ET
Part 2: Lab Science, Knowledge Gaps
Starts 4:15pm ET
Molecular Basis
Andreas Eckhard, M.D.
Harvard Medical School/Mass Eye and Ear
Jose Antonio Lopez-Escamez, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Sydney, Australia
Immunology and Ménière’s Disease
Andrea Vambutas, M.D.
Northwell Health, Long Island, New York
Social and Psychological Triggers
Joanna Wolfson, Ph.D.
NYU Langone Health
Panel Discussion: Barriers to Ménière’s Disease Research
Andrea Vambutas, M.D. (Northwell Health), Andreas Eckhard, M.D. (Harvard/Mass Eye and Ear), Jose Antonio Lopez-Escamez, M.D., Ph.D. (University of Sydney)
Networking Reception
From 6:15 to 8pm ET
Beverages and hearty appetizers