Going on trips with kids with hearing loss requires a little bit more forethought but is well worth the effort.
What Is Inclusion, Really?
Being kind and courteous to everyone we meet, even when they aren’t kind to us, is hard. Believing people’s experiences and perceptions, even when they don’t match your own, is hard.
Management of the Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Patient: 30th Annual Conference
This conference is intended for otologists, audiologists, psychologists, hearing aid specialists, and nurses who provide clinical management services for patients with tinnitus. The conference will also provide information to patients who have tinnitus, their family, and friends.
Top 3 Questions People Have About Their Ears
Silence Is Bliss With a Few Home Adjustments
For hyperacusis patients, or people who have a sensitivity to everyday sounds, common household sounds can be a significant challenge, whether it’s a door closing or cooking a meal.
The Ups and Downs of Being Hard of Hearing
If I may speak for all of us with a hearing condition, I ask our family, friends, and folks we interact with on an everyday basis to please be patient.
Boost Connections With These Strategies
There is a specific type of social isolation that is more prevalent within the hearing loss community. “Medical isolation” occurs when patients feel little or no control over their health due to communication challenges with caregivers.
Apple Hearing Study Update
The latest update shared the perhaps not unsurprising statistic that an estimated one in three adult Americans are exposed to excessive noise levels, above an annual average of 70 dBA.
Research Pioneers Help Us Sustain Our Science
One way to help all those with hearing conditions is to become a Research Pioneer, a special group of friends who give a monthly gift to support HHF. Research Pioneers provide predictable funding we can count on to fund life-changing scientific breakthroughs.
Balance Problems? Loud Sounds Could Be a Cause
Have you ever felt dizzy, nauseous, or unsteady on your feet after leaving a loud concert? That could be the balance organ inside your inner ear reacting to the loud sounds.