hearing health magazine

Collette and Christy: A Story About Friendship and Art

I discovered in the Smithsonian photographic archives of Howard Chandler Christy’s work the existence of two photos of what then appeared to be two separate portraits he painted of Collette Ramsey Baker in the late 1930s.

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Hearing Loss Is My Superpower

Despite receiving a cochlear implant at age 22 months, and being mainstreamed into my local public school district from kindergarten, by late middle school into high school I had became bitter and resentful about my dependence on hearing technology. I saw it as a burden.

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Enter the Caption Challenge

By Lauren McGrath

Captions and subtitles are a critical tool that makes information more accessible to those with hearing loss.

The technology is constantly evolving, especially real-time captioning that can be available on the go, often using smartphones.

The 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act requires businesses and public venues to guarantee that people with hearing loss are not excluded from or denied services because of the lack of auxiliary aids, and this includes captioning.

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But sometimes the subtitles fall short, creating unintentionally funny gaffes that can end up going viral.

Without intending any criticism of this important accessibility method, which is so helpful for those with (and without) hearing loss to better understand speech, we are launching a fun contest— because everyone loves bloopers, and it’s a good reminder that captioning has actually improved by leaps and bounds.

Submit an original photo or screenshot of a memorable caption flub, and earn a chance to be featured in the Spring 2019 issue of Hearing Health and on our website.

The deadline has been extended! Visit hhf.org/challenge to review the full contest rules and to enter. Submissions will be accepted until Friday, May 15.


Note: The contest is open to all individuals 18 years and older who subscribe to Hearing Health magazine via print (in the U.S.) or online (outside of the U.S.). Nonsubscribers are not be eligible for participation and any submission from a nonsubscriber will not be considered. To subscribe to the free quarterly, visit hhf.org/subscribe.

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