My Musical Journey With Hearing Aids

A high school student shares her joy of playing in the band on her chosen instrument.

By Libby Byxbee

I have had a bilateral moderate to severe hearing loss since birth. My hearing aids, which I’ve worn since the age of 4, have sparkled, been pink, and are now small, discreet, and the color of my hair. 

My hearing aids are always powerful but they are not perfect. Sometimes sound is fragmented or distorted, sometimes it’s too loud or too soft, or too high or too low, and sometimes, in just the right room with the right acoustics, everything aligns and I can hear beautifully.

But in order to be in my school band, music has had to become more than just sound—it has become a physical experience.

The trumpet is my instrument of choice. I loved watching TV shows where soldiers were awakened by “Reveille.” I was drawn to the instrument’s power despite its short, compact size. Playing the trumpet also allows me to look up frequently and watch my band director, Mr. Tenyson, for visual cues and facial expressions.

That’s not to say the trumpet is necessarily the best choice for someone with hearing loss. Practicing can be a challenge. When practicing alone, I can’t always tell if I’m playing the right notes—much to the occasional annoyance of my parents and big sister!

Playing the trumpet has been so much more than just being in the band for me. It has pushed me to be uncomfortable, vulnerable, and part of something bigger than myself. 

Even though I may not hear every note perfectly, playing in a band has been a powerful experience. I connect with music not just through the sound of my trumpet but through feeling, vibration, and the very essence of music itself. 

And the more I play with others, the more I feel—and hear.

I share my story for other young people with hearing loss: Keep trying. Your experience may be different, but it will be perfect in its own way, and just for you.

Libby Byxbee is a 9th grade student in Connecticut. She loves playing the trumpet as well as water polo. 

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